
An updated record of Gaden Robinson's collection of Macro-moths of Fiji and Rotuma

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The data is an updated record of Gaden Robinson's collection of macro-moths in Fiji and Rotuma from the 1970's using Mercury vapor light.


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Rakai T, Tikoca S (2018): An updated record of Gaden Robinson's collection of Macro-moths of Fiji and Rotuma. v1. NatureFiji-MareqetiViti. Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=sprh-gadenrobinson-moths-fiji&v=1.0



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Occurrence; Specimen


Siteri Tikoca
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Conservation Officer
NatureFiji- MareqetiViti
+679 3100598
Theresa Rakai
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
NatureFiji- MareqetiViti
+679 3100598
Anisof So'o
  • 使用者
Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Marika Tuiwawa
South Pacific Regional Herbarium


Fiji (17.7134° S, 178.0650° E) is a group of volcanic islands in the South Pacific. The group of the volcanic island comprises of about 330 islands in which a 100 of this islands are permanently inhabited. The data covers Fiji’s main islands namely Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, a few of Fiji's smaller islands as well as the Polynesian island of Rotuma.

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [-19.228, -178.319], 緯度北界 經度東界 [-12.233, 175.474]


There are about 400 species of Macrolepidoptera recognized to occur in Fiji and Rotuma which are noted and described: however, few species remain unplaced. Taxonomic treatment has included amendment of names, the establishment of new combinations and formation of new names. Most species are explained, many species are redescribed with respect to its life history and distributional information provided where this is recognized. The taxonomic families included in this data set includes about 19 families of macro moths.

Order Rhopalocera (Moths and Butterflies)


起始日期 / 結束日期 1966-01-01 / 1970-01-01


The data focuses on transcribing and updating taxonomic names for Gaden Robinson's record from 1970's on macro- moth's located in Fiji and Rotuma.

計畫名稱 Mobilizing Fiji’s macro-moth collection data to enhance knowledge and encourage biodiversity protection
辨識碼 BID-PA2016-0009-SMA
經費來源 The data was updated, formatted and published with funding from the European Union through a BID small grant project (BID-PA2016-0009-SMA) titled "Mobilizing Fiji’s macro-moth collection and data to enhance knowledge and encourage protection of Fiji’s unique Biodiversity".
研究區域描述 The study area focussed on the certain areas on the larger island and smaller islands in Fiji as well as Rotuma.
研究設計描述 The data is based on a mercury light trapping programme using a battery-powered trap using a light source or generator.


Siteri Tikoca
  • 連絡人


The collection and recordings were obtained through Mercury-vapour light traps. From 1970 to 1972 a total of 36,183 Macrolepidoptera were recognized and tallied from 109 one-night MV trap samples.

研究範圍 The collection was attained and recorded from certain areas of Fiji and Rotuma using a mercury vapor light trap programme.
品質控管 A standard mercury vapor light trapping method was used to collect all specimens for consistency.


  1. Between 1966 and 1970 Robinson used a mercury vapor light trap to exclusively collect Lepidoptera. The collection was restricted to certain localities in Viti Levu (unless otherwise stated). The trapped was used in the Suva garden, occasionally at Savura Creek (water pumping station-1km W of Tamavua) in a low land forest. The trap was also set in Colo-i-Suva (J.W.Parham’s house). Traps were also placed at Nadarivatu at the Forestry Dept. rest house and at a radio station at South Rim. Species were briefly collected at Lautoka, Rakiraki, and Korolevu (near Namaqumaqua), Nananu-i-Ra as well as in Savusavu, Vanua Levu. In December 1969, the author placed traps at four sites in Nausori Highlands, east Nadi. It was estimated to have collected between 0.8 and 1 million Lepidoptera in 200 nights in which 50% were Macrolepidoptera. From the limited fieldwork till 1970, the author decided to use Robinson’s pattern MV light trap operated with either with the usage of main electricity or a portable generating set. This was used to collect rare species and other Lepidoptera species in higher preference within a short distance (20m) of the trap. Thus, this trapping programme was to use which involved 2 very similar types of Robinson MV trap only differing with the construction of the barrel. The barrel was lined with a cotton bag which could be detached with the catch. The anesthetic evaporator was placed between the bag and the barrel. Tetrachloroethane is known to be the only apt anesthetic for light traps and liable on the locality, the author used either an evaporator with a long cotton wick or an electrically heated evaporator. For the duration of the fieldwork, the barrel was used as an all-purpose vessel. In areas where 240v. AC mains electricity was unattainable, a Honda E300 portable generator was used to provide power- The light source was a 125w. MV lamp with frosty globe: the electrical circuit comprised of a choke and 15 µF capacitors for power-factor adjustment. Light traps were emptied in the morning as early as possible and usually, the catch was deeply anesthetized or dead at this stage. Where possible, the catch was dealt with straightaway into distinct species and the numbers of each species counted and recorded.


NatureFiji-MareqetiViti website which has additional information on the metadata: https://naturefiji.org Associated Media link (Fiji moth record - images of all mentioned records): https://www.usp.ac.fj/index.php?id=8504 Link to the electronic copy of descriptions of Fijian macro-moths: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/8237/

替代的識別碼 b68c47fc-7e62-440f-9f4b-fc7ab0766df4