Coastal fish species of commercial interest observed on Underwater Visual Census transects in Samoa during the PROCFish/C surveys (2005) in 4 sites Manono-uta, Vailoa, Vaisala and Salelavalu. The individual counts correspond to the observations by a single diver (one side) on the 50 m transect, from the transect line up to visibility (distance sampling).
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Sauni S, Awira R, Vigliola L, Pinca S, Boblin P (2018): SPC PROCFish/C Fish Observations Samoa 2005. v1.5. The Pacific Community (SPC). Dataset/Occurrence. https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=spc_procfish_finfish_samoa_2005&v=1.5
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 The Pacific Community (SPC)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 7fadb3a5-77af-4987-825e-8e48662cb507。 The Pacific Community (SPC) 發佈此資源,並經由Participant Node Managers Committee同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; Observation; SPC; PROCFish/C; CoFish; Fish; UVC
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界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [-14.065, -172.682], 緯度北界 經度東界 [-13.5, -171.415] |
Coastal fish species of commercial interest (targeted by fishers)
起始日期 / 結束日期 | 2005-06-07 / 2005-08-30 |
The Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish) and its associated programme PROCFish/C (the coastal component of the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme) conducted fieldwork in 63 sites across 17 Pacific Island countries and territories over a seven-year period from 2002 to 2009.
計畫名稱 | Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C) |
辨識碼 | BID-PA2016-0002-REG |
經費來源 | Funded by the European Union for the implementation of the Pacific Regional Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (CoFish), which ran from 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2009 under funding from the ninth European Development Fund (EDF 9), and the coastal component of the Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C), which ran from 1 March 2002 to 28 February 2009 under funding from the eighth European Development Fund (EDF 8). Data prepared and published under project "Capacity building and data mobilization for conservation and decision making in the South Pacific" - BID-PA2016-0002-REG |
研究設計描述 | The aim of the survey work was to provide baseline information on the status of reef fisheries, and to help fill the massive information gap that hinders the effective management of reef fisheries. |
The status of finfish resources in selected sites was assessed by distance-sampling underwater visual census (D-UVC). The method involves recording the species name, abundance, body length and distance to the transect line of each fish or group of fish observed; the transect consists of a 50 m line, represented on the seafloor by an underwater tape.
研究範圍 | Manono-uta, Vailoa, Vaisala and Salelavalu |
- Multiple observations for the same species aggregated by transect and side.
- Vunisea A., Friedman K.J., Awira R., Kronen M., Pinca S., Chapman L.B., Magron F., Sauni S., Pakoa K., Lasi F. 2008. Samoa country report : profiles and results from survey work at Manono-Uta, Salelavalu, Vailoa and Vaisala (june 2005 and August/September 2005). Pacific Regional Oceanic and Coastal Fisheries Development Programme (PROCFish/C/CoFish). Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). 383 p. http://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/5qo97
- Labrosse, P., Kulbicki, M., Ferraris, J. 2002. Underwater visual fish census surveys proper use and implementation. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community. REAT: Reef Resources Assessment Tools, vi, 54 p. http://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/fs6ca
替代的識別碼 | 7fadb3a5-77af-4987-825e-8e48662cb507 |
https://ipt.sprep.org/resource?r=spc_procfish_finfish_samoa_2005 |